The first operation in HK

First of all, thanks for everybody to worry about me. I'm actually fine except my foot. Let me explain about my operation.

Since last month I have pain on my foot, then went to a hospital for an examination. A doctor found that there's an infection between a bone and a cover of bone. This causes such pain.

I will have the operation this weekend (It's first time in HK!!) to open the affected part and remove the infection. Then wait and see for a few days, opening the part!! If there's no problem anymore, the part will be closed. It sounds scary, but the doctor said that the operation itself is not complicated and it takes less than one hour.

Don't take it so serious. It's gonna be ok. I had lunch with our Alumni and had dinner with my classmate today, but I'm sure they didn't notice if I don't say anything about my foot pain.

By the way, I plan to go to Taipei next weekend, and talked about it to the doctor already. He didn't say that I'd better to cancel it. However, some of my dearest friends recommended me to suspend the trip. I really appreciate that. Thus, I will consult the doctor after the operation and will decide, based on the operation's result.

If you come to see me at the hospital, I'm always welcome. Please contact me through Facebook, msn, email and/or sms.

Thank you so much for your support!!